Silver Phoenix Arts & Communications, LLC

Small Business Marketing and Commercial Photography

Product Photography

Quality product photography makes your company look great. Poorly lit, low quality photographs of your product tell people you don't really care. Our society and our economy have become much more visual in the last 10 years. You need good imagery to compete.


Silver Phoenix Arts has the skill to deliver consistently high quality photographs of your products - no matter how large or small, shiny, or colorful. You will receive high resolution, color accurate images in whatever file format meets your needs.

You should be proud to see an image of your product on your website, in a catalog, or on it's package.


And if you're competing for investors, grants, or awards, you really need good images. It always matters.

Art Reproduction

Art reproduction is an art in itself.  A high quality image of a work of flat art requires specialized skill and equipment. I have experience photographing oil paintings, watercolors, acrylics, pastels, drawings and many other media and pigments.


Marketing and Promotions Imagery

Your Products, People and Processes



Product Information

Product Photography

Show your products in the best light

Manufacturers and Suppliers

Clothing, Jewelry and Accessories

Insurance and Documentation


Hard-to-light products are no problem

Very small items are no problem

Art Reproduction

High resolution files

Color managed workflow

Archival and representational options

Food Photography

Wholesale and Retail producers

Specialty and Local Foods

Farms and Vineyards


Industry Promotion

Architectural Photography

Architects and Builders



Industrial Photography

Manufacturing Lines

Technical and Medical

Public Relations



Lifestyle, Health, and Clothing

Sports, recreation, fitness, and the outdoors - and all the things we wear for these activities. If you're trying to attract customers to your B&B, mountain bike course, or yoga studio, use good images to make them feel like they're already there - and loving every minute.

Architectural Photography

At Silver Phoenix Arts, night photography is a specialty. The golden hour is, of course, magical. And yet a deeper magic reveals itself when a building is lit at night - by design and by the moon.

Food, Wine, Farm, and Set Tables

Nothing makes me feel better than a meal of natural, local, food with friends and family. Whether it's the farms that supply our food, the bakers, bottlers, and canners whose recipes make us smile, the retailers who bring us the variety of good foods, or restaurants, good images of food and set tables can make the difference.


Yes, Silver Phoenix Arts can photograph services. If you're in a service-sector business, chances are your customers bring emotion to their interactions with you. Return the favor with imagery that rewards the senses, spurs the imagination, and makes them feel something good.

Marketing Services                 |                 Photography Services                  |                 Writing Services                  |                Design Services

"Move forward faster with Silver Phoenix Arts"

© 2017 Silver Phoenix Arts  & Communications, LLC